Event, Sectors and Zones

For each “event”, “sectors” are created which in turn are divided into “zones”. Each zone is populated with an indefinite number of “cells”

Lots of information,
choose the most useful for you

For each cell, information on the load, its history, load charts, battery charge values and the quality of the radio signal are always available. Each sector, zone or cell has its own interface page that can be opened individually or simultaneously with other pages on multiple screens.

Limits that can be set on each cell

The overload and underload levels can be set by the operator for each cell.

Try our software even
without having the cells

Our software is ready to manage the cells. In addition, it has a test section that allows you to simulate the operation with virtual cells: you can create your event, divide it into sectors and zones and populate it with cells. An automatic process will simulate virtual load readings that will respond to the load limits you have entered for each cell.


Software and graphic user interfaces

Free download

Simulation area for self-learning

Test Mode creates virtual load Cells for self-learning training

Data management

Event, Sector, Zone and Cell setup



1 - How to Create an Event

2 - How to Add Sector
and Zones

3 - How to Add Cells in Zones and see them
on the Home Page

4 - How to Modify Underload, Overload and the Location Name of the Cell

5 - How to View the Sector, Zone and Single Cell Graphs

6 - How to Activate Test Mode


Area Four Industries Italia S.r.l.

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